I liked the first film better than the second, but in any event, half of this pair is enough. Immediately download the the four musketeers film summary, chapterbychapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more everything you need for studying or teaching the four musketeers film. There are 24 films, my favorite is the 1993 disney version just because it was great to watch with my daughter. Oliver platt and tim curry were incredible in this movie. The whole production is wonderful from sets, to costumes and the lightness of the banter between the musketeers and the newby played by michael york. Summit brings the three musketeers to bluray on a single bd50 disc housed in a keepcase with a cardboard slipcover. Watch the movie trailer for the 3d swashbuckler three musketeers in 3d starring logan lerman, milla jovovich, matthew macfayden, orlando bloom, christoph waltz, see the latest movie posters and pictures. Dartagnan of gascony michael york is an adventurous youth and swordfighter from the french countryside, sent by his exsoldier father to paris with recommendations to become a musketeer, illustrious personal guard to the king. In the public domain, as it was published prior to 1923. This french slapstick comedy stars the musiciancomedian foursome les charlots, as valets to the four musketeers. The stooges help the princess escape and then defeat the. This article related to a short comedy film is a stub. The musketeer is a 2001 american actionadventure film based on alexandre dumass classic novel the three musketeers, directed and photographed by peter hyams and starring catherine deneuve, mena suvari, stephen rea, tim roth and justin chambers. The stooges help the princess escape and then defeat the magician and his henchmen in a sword fight.
Licensed to youtube by umg on behalf of interscope. Select any poster below to play the movie, totally free. Song stroke me explicit version artist mickey avalon. A remake of fiddlers three 1948, using stock footage costar diana darrin was interviewed at the 2006 fan club meeting. The third and final season of the musketeers is coming to dvd this fall, tv shows on dvd reports. The three stooges musty musketeers 1954 shemp, larry, moe. The boys use the convention of rhyming their girlfriends names which is used in a dozen other stooge film shorts. The four charlots musketeers 2 1974 the movie database. This is the 1986 film that launched the highlander franchise. If you liked it, subscribe and ill keep uploading more videos.
One of the films highlights is a mutual kicking session between cardinal richelieu, the king, and a monk. Musty musketeers trivia this was the last of vernon dents stooge roles, as he went blind shortly after this film. On imdb tv, you can catch hollywood hits and popular tv series at no cost. Another film version of the three musketeers was released in 1933. The stooges help the princess escape and then defeat the magician and his. The three musketeers 2011 dartagnan logan lerman leaves his home in rural france to fulfill his ambition of becoming one of the kings elite guardsmen, the musketeers. This disc contains the 2d version of the film only. The three musketeers bluray clip exclusive mar 12, 2012.
Comments though previously released by fox lorber, anchor bays new anamorphic transfers of the three musketeers and the four musketeers bring richard lesters nowclassic actioncomedy diptych in a beautifully designed foldout case, with pretty art direction incorporating images of the films stellar international cast, and elegant animated menus with a silhouetted oliver reed. The man in the iron mask a distant part of the dumasverse had some great performances but twisted the plot out of all recognition. It is the 154th entry in the series released by columbia pictures starring the comedians, who. After being sorely disappointed by the recent 2011 adaptation of alexander dumas masterpiece, i thought id ask what rmovies considers to be the best adaptation. Other versions have their high points, though, like tim currys richelieu. One of the best adaptations of the classic novel i ever seen. The three musketeers is a 2011 romantic action adventure film directed by paul w. The stooges are living in coleslawvania, around the time of king arthur. Unfortunately, the oversimplification of the story and an uncharismatic lead character leave the movie flat. Richard lesters the four musketeers was filmed at the same time as his 1974 hit which was, uh.
This short starts off with the following very wise and profound saying. Here for your viewing pleasure is the 1921 american silent film version of my favorite book by alexandre dumas, the three musketeers. The film features tsui harks regular actor xinxin xiong as a stunt choreographer. Musty musketeers is a 1954 short subject directed by jules white starring american slapstick comedy team the three stooges moe howard, larry fine and shemp howard. The film is 186 minutes long, an extremely long movie for a silent film. Darrin was also a guest of the 1993 three stooges convention in philadelphia. The hotheaded young dartagnan logan lerman joins forces with the three rogue musketeers matthew macfadyen, luke evans and ray stevenson in this reboot of. Musty musketeers is a 1954 short subject directed by jules white starring american slapstick.
Download the four musketeers full movie video dailymotion. With moe howard, larry fine, shemp howard, vernon dent. It is based on alexandre dumass 1844 novel of the same title with clockpunk elements. The three stooges s21e02 musty musketeers video dailymotion. Set in the middle ages, the stooges wish to marry their sweethearts, but the king wont give his consent until princess alicia gets married. Oliver reed as the intensely competent yet jovial athos. Guard uncredited tillieth uncredited lillieth uncredited. They ask king cole if they can marry their girfriends or not, and the king agrees, but only. Its too much of the same material, spun out into a wearying series. With this remake, a few elements of the storyline are smoothed out, and an entertaining sword fight replaces some of the original film. In its honor, we look at the films genredefining costumes by yvonne blake.
The only other musketeer film that ive seen was the musketeer2001 which, while. The hotheaded young dartagnan logan lerman along with three former legendary but now down on their luck musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the french throne and engulfing europe in war. With heather hemmens, alan rachins, xin sarith wuku, david chokachi. The film enjoyed box office success in the united states. Leaving his parents joss ackland, gretchen franklin, wouldbe musketeer dartagnan michael york straight away meets rochefort christopher lee who happens to be imparting instructions to milady faye dunaway, comedy to the forefront in richard lesters hit the three. Read the three musketeers by michael hadley pdf opens in new tab. The film is directed by cole mckay and is a mockbuster that was released shortly after the paul w. Regarder film the three musketeers en streaming, telecharger film the three musketeers gratuitement, voir film the three musketeers en ligne. There are several others, too many to mention here. Anderson and starring matthew macfadyen, logan lerman, ray stevenson, milla jovovich, luke evans, mads mikkelsen, orlando bloom, and christoph waltz.
This comedy foursome was enormously popular in 1970s france, and they made a huge number of films during that period. But not only does dartagnan get a dismissive reception, he manages to offend, individually, three veteran musketeers, athos oliver reed, porthos frank finlay. The three musketeers movie is based on the novel written by alexandre dumas that discuss the story of a young dartagnan, and his musketeer comrades matthew macfadyen, ray stevenson and luke evans. The stooges are troubadors for the court of king cole. Musty musketeers combines new footage with the 1948 stooge film fiddlers three.
Le film the three musketeers 2011 vostfr film complet. Charlton heston as the cardinal, constantly scheming yet remaining above the fray like. The princess is abducted by mergatroyd, an evil magician who plans to marry her and become ruler of the country. Anderson directs this 3d adventure arriving on 3d bluray, bluray, and dvd march from summit entertainment. Musty musketeers 1954 16min short, comedy may 1954 usa set in the middle ages, the stooges wish to marry their sweethearts, but the king wont give his consent until princess alicia gets married. The three musketeers, a 1903 french production about which very little is know.
The lester films were by far the most faithful adaptations. Ive seen many film versions of this story and recently reread the book, and this is the best film version by far. A small kingdom in ye old country where ye men are men and ye women are glad of it. Alexandra has secured the support of three famous and notorious international spies in order to stop the assassination. To say nothing of the female lead rachel welch, who is, never a sore sight to the eyes. Cast in credits order complete, awaiting verification. It is the 154th entry in the series released by columbia pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959. Michael york as the young dartagnon, eager to please and to follow his fathers wish to fight whenever possible. Richard lesters adaptation of the three musketeers was only the latest of many when released in 1974, but it arrived with a spirit all its own, one influenced as much by lesters 60s work as the. The hotheaded young dartagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the. Le film the three musketeers 2011 vostfr admin 20170521t00. Watch the musketeers s1 e1 friends and enemies the musketeers on dailymotion. Alexandra dartagnan, junior member of nsa uncovers a conspiracy that the goal is to assassinate the american president.
The three musketeers in 3d tells the tale of young dartagnan and his musketeer comrades, athos, porthos and aramis. Amazons choice recommends highly rated and wellpriced products. The three musketeers on dvd movie synopsis and info. This was the last of vernon dents stooge roles, as he went blind shortly after this film. The three musketeers 1921 original movie film youtube. The sex adventures of the three musketeers 1 hours and 19 minutes movie 1971 an adults only retelling of the legend of the three musketeers. The four musketeers 1975 lighthearted sequel to the 1973 hit the three musketeers, with king louis xiiis four swashbuckling heroes engaged in further chivalrous and daring adventures. This cinematic treatment of the novel contained sound, but was a rather brief, truncated version of the story.
The three musketeers and continues the same story with the same combination of impenetrable plotting and nonstop swashbuckling. The three musketeers 2011 the three musketeers movie. How many versions of the movie the three musketeers have. The film was released on dvd and bluray disc on october 25, 2011 unlike other adaptations of the three musketeers, this film is a modern. The three stooges, the collection 19521954 on itunes. The best film version, most musketeercompletists agree, is richard lesters diptych the three musketeers 1973 and the four musketeers 1974, adapted by george macdonald fraser, and originally conceived as a vehicle for.
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